Use the resources 下面 to make a petition request. Allow a minimum of 10 business days processing time for your request. We understand that your requests are time sensitive and we will work quickly to expedite these requests. You will be notified via email of the outcome of the request.

You need to submit a Special Circumstance Student Petition Form in order to petition for additional units.

Petition decisions are emailed within ten (10) business days once all required documents are submitted. Decisions are emailed to the email indicated by the student on the petition form.

Download Form

After you have downloaded the form:

  1. Fill out the form completely.
  2. Save the form as a copy by adding your full name and Lancer ID (if available) to the filename.
    For example this-form-name-larry-lancer-00123456.pdf 
  3. Upload your form using our secure link.

Upload Form

Use this petition if you have lost your registration priority because you have been on academic probation for 2 consecutive primary terms (Fall and Spring), or you have earned 100 units or more at PCC.

Download Form

After you have downloaded the form:

  1. Fill out the form completely.
  2. Save the form as a copy by adding your full name and Lancer ID (if available) to the filename.
    For example this-form-name-larry-lancer-00123456.pdf 
  3. Upload your form using our secure link.

Upload Form

Use this petition to request to repeat a course under specific circumstances. Documentation is required.

Download Form

After you have downloaded the form:

  1. Fill out the form completely.
  2. Save the form as a copy by adding your full name and Lancer ID (if available) to the filename.
    For example this-form-name-larry-lancer-00123456.pdf 
  3. Upload your form using our secure link.

Upload Form

Students may not enroll in a course for credit, then for the same term request to have the course changed to audit. 

To audit a course you must have the instructor's and the division dean's approval on the form before you submit it through the button 下面 for processing.

的 earliest a class can be registered as an audit is the day after the Census date of the class. 的 deadline to be registered as an audit is 30% of class meetings:

  • For 16-week classes, the deadline is the end of the 5th week.
  • 12 & 14-week classes, the deadline is the end of the 4th week.
  • 6 & 8-week classes, the deadline is the end of the 2nd week.

All fields on the form are required and must be completed in order for the form to be processed. 

Download Form or Review Current Policy on Auditing

After you have downloaded the form:

  1. Fill out the form completely.
  2. Save the form as a copy by adding your full name and Lancer ID (if available) to the filename.
    For example this-form-name-larry-lancer-00123456.pdf 
  3. Upload your form using our secure link.

This petition may be used to request an exception to certain deadlines or procedures due to the existence of verifiable extenuating circumstances.

Petition decisions are emailed within ten (10) business days once all required documents are submitted. Decisions are emailed to the email indicated by the student on the petition form.

Download Form

After you have downloaded the form:

  1. Fill out the form completely.
  2. Save the form as a copy by adding your full name and Lancer ID (if available) to the filename.
    For example this-form-name-larry-lancer-00123456.pdf 
  3. Upload your form using our secure link.

Upload Form

This petition is intended to permit you enrollment into two courses that have a slight overlap in time. All fields of this petition must be complete. 的 instructor of the class for which time will be missed must complete SECTION II and sign and date. 的 division dean of this class must complete SECTION III. If any of these fields are incomplete or incorrect, the petition will not be reviewed until the necessary corrections 是由.

Download Form

After you have downloaded the form:

  1. Fill out the form completely.
  2. Save the form as a copy by adding your full name and Lancer ID (if available) to the filename.
    For example this-form-name-larry-lancer-00123456.pdf 
  3. Upload your form using our secure link.

Upload Form

Use this petition to request to disregard your previously recorded substandard academic performance when such work does not reflect current demonstrated ability.

Before submitting an Academic Renewal Petition, please review the academic renewal policy.

Download Form

After you have downloaded the form:

  1. Fill out the form completely.
  2. Save the form as a copy by adding your full name and Lancer ID (if available) to the filename.
    For example this-form-name-larry-lancer-00123456.pdf 
  3. Upload your form using our secure link.

Upload Form

To petition for credit through AP exam and/or the CLEP exam, official scores must be sent from the College Board to PCC. Please allow 15 business days for delivery and processing before completing your request.

Download Form

After you have downloaded the form:

  1. Fill out the form completely.
  2. Save the form as a copy by adding your full name and Lancer ID (if available) to the filename.
    For example this-form-name-larry-lancer-00123456.pdf 
  3. Upload your form using our secure link.

Upload Form

Use this form to request that a substandard 年级 be disregarded from your PCC GPA 如果你:

  • have repeated a course originally completed at PCC in which you received a substandard 年级
    (D or F).
  • 的 年级 earned in the course repeat is a C or better

If you have received a substandard 年级 in a course taken at PCC which has since been repeated and passed at another college, please submit official transcripts 15 business days before completing this form.

Download Form or Review Course Repetition Policy

After you have downloaded the form:

  1. Fill out the form completely.
  2. Save the form as a copy by adding your full name and Lancer ID (if available) to the filename.
    For example this-form-name-larry-lancer-00123456.pdf 
  3. Upload your form using our secure link.

Upload Form

的 Student Success Act (SB1456) requires all first-time college students to complete Orientation, Assessment and an Educational Plan. Exemptions are available for students that meet certain criteria. To request an exemption, please submit the online form 下面.

Please note that students choosing to be exempt from one or more services are not eligible for priority registration.

Complete Online Exemption Form

During this time of uncertainty, the California Community College Chancellor’s Office has allowed the community colleges to extend options for grading through the end of 2022. PCC is supporting students through this difficult time by providing two options for alternative grading - extended deadlines to request a Pass or No Pass (P/NP) grading and Excused Withdrawal (EW).  Consult with an Academic Counselor to determine which option is best for your situation and educational plans.

How to Request Alternative Grading

  • This form may be used to request an Excused Withdrawal (EW) or Pass/No Pass for Spring 2020 through Fall 2022 terms. 
  • Decisions are emailed to the email indicated by the student on the petition form.
  • 的 last day to request Pass/No Pass or EW is listed 下面. 
    术语 Deadline to Submit P/NP Request Deadline to Submit EW Request 
    Spring 2022 05/01/2022 没有一个
    Summer 2022 06/13/2022 没有一个
    Fall 2022 12/11/2022 没有一个

Download Form

After you have downloaded the form:

  1. Fill out the form completely
  2.  Save it as a copy by adding your full name and lancer ID (if available) to the filename.
    For example this-form-namelarry-lancer-00123456.pdf 
  3. Upload your form using our secure link

Upload Form

You may be granted Excused Withdrawal when unexpected circumstances have left you no other option than to stop attending or participating in a course after all appropriate interventions to remain in the course have been explored. 

You should work with your instructor to see if any arrangements can be made to support you through your situation so you can complete the course. 

点击 在这里 to read more information on Excused Withdrawals before you fill out the petition. 

Download Form

After you have downloaded the form:

  1. Fill out the form completely.
  2. Save it as a copy by adding your full name and Lancer ID (if available) to the filename.
    • For example this-form-name-larry-lancer-00123456.pdf
  3. Upload your form and verifiable documentation using our secure link:
Upload Form